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View Full Version : what uv-c for eheim 2080

Sun Jun 24, 2007, 01:50 PM
hi guys,

i keep on seaching the net for the right answer but i cannot find one (in fact i found alot of contradictorial ones)
so, i have a 650 L aquarium (650 L of water, the aquarium is for 900), with eheim 2080 (turtles make alot of mess) and i want to get a UV-C, but i dont know what size to have.

the JBL 36w seems to be the closest one, with 1000 l/h flow, but 2080 has a 1200 L/h (as a real flow, according to the review here)

i was thinking maybe to attach the uv-c to one of the intakes of the 2080, but then it clashes with indications of the uv-c's which are saying to be put on the outtake of filters...

any suggestions/experiences are more than welcomed!



Sun Jun 24, 2007, 02:10 PM
intake water = poop, junk from tank = uv full of poop
out take water = clean filtered water = uv not full of poop

Sun Jun 24, 2007, 03:04 PM
yeap, i suspected that. but still what uv could i use for the flow of eheim 2080?
thanks alot,

Sun Jun 24, 2007, 03:14 PM
the 36 watt should be okay. Ask Taksan, he's the equipment/eheim expert.

Sun Jun 24, 2007, 07:17 PM
the reason for the stated flow rates on the uv appartus is so that the contact time of the water borne organisms is long enough to be damaged by the light

if you are using a uv that is rated to 1000 lph and the pump is higher then you may ot get full kill of all water borne organisms

maybe split the return water into 2 flows one though the uv, may only be treating half the water , though would be treating it effectively


Sun Jun 24, 2007, 08:41 PM
thanks for replies!
i was reluctant in taking the turbo-twist, cause it is not found so easily in europe, but after seeing that they use the same lamp as jbl (made by philips) i will go with turbo-twist 18w (for aquariums up to 200 g when i have 156g of water, and with a flow of 200-400 gph when my eheim gives 312gph)

thanks for replies!
