View Full Version : R/O Water Conditioning

Sat Jun 23, 2007, 06:02 PM
Hi guys. I have 8 discus that I have kept for over a year now, in R/O water only. I am sorry to say that after all of my research on keeping discus, I overlooked the importance of adding back minerals and trace elements that the fish need. What products do you recommend for conditioning the water and how slowly should they be added at this point? The fish appear to be fine-eating well and have grown a good bit in the past year since I got them. I am very concerned about changing the water chemistry too fast. Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

Sat Jun 23, 2007, 07:19 PM
if you have very hard water to start with , then you will only be removing 95-98% of minerals in the water at best with the r/o unit, so it may not be a problem

i use straight r/o with the premise that i feed fish to give them the minerals etc they need, they are not absorbing these from the water, thats just my take and i nkow it goes against written convention
