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View Full Version : caging eggs

Fat Discus
Tue Jun 19, 2007, 05:21 AM
Hi everyone,

My snake skin pr spawned last night yippy!!! 100 aprox eggs or so. Now I woke up this morning to find maybe 40% eggs orange and 50% yellow, and im assuming the other 10% were eaten. Now dose that mean the 40% are the fertilised eggs? and the 50% yellow ones arent? Coming home after work I noticed that only the 15% of orange eggs are left and no more yellow one's. So panicking I decided to make a cage for the remaining eggs.

The question I have for you guys is. How big do I make the cage? Iv made a cage that just fits over the pot plant and theres a gap from the eggs to the cage of about 5-6cm maybe 7cm. Now is that to far away for the pr to continue to fan the eggs? I think if I made the cage any smaller then im affraid that the cage might end up scraping the eggs off the pot plant. The pr some what still seems interested in the batch of eggs. Is there a possibility that if the eggs are too far away from them that they lose interest in fanning and raising the eggs? and how long do I keep the cage on for?

Any info would be greatly appreciated
Many thanks

Tue Jun 19, 2007, 09:33 AM
hi there the cage should be far away so they can't get to it but close enough so they can still see the eggs
... I would have the cage about 5mm to 1cm away from the eggs so thats close enough for them to see aand still fan them with their mouths..
also depends what your using for to cage them ... bird cage wire the sqaure ones are good enough so they can't get in between the holes.... for my cone i just use those plastic peg baskets to hold the pegs in for the clothes line it has sufficient holes and is plastic .

Fat Discus
Tue Jun 19, 2007, 10:10 AM
so in reply to ur answer 5-7cm is way to far correct? Maybe I should just let this batch go and wait for the next batch that way i can make a better cage that accomodates the eggs better. Im using the bird cage wire mesh as pointed out, now will that affect the water chemistry in any way, will it rust?

How about the egg question in my first post, dose orange eggs mean fertilised and yellow ones mean unfertilised? or could it be a possiablity that I have 2 females laying different colour eggs?

thanks for ur help JB


scott bowler
Tue Jun 19, 2007, 10:26 AM
Chris usally if the eggs go yellow or white they are unfertilised and if they are orange then they are ok. but they would all be orange at first then after about 24 hours you will see the ones that arent .as fot the cage jb was right in what he has said good luck with it mate

Fat Discus
Tue Jun 19, 2007, 11:00 AM
Thanks scott,

Iv think iv got the cage thing under control. More questions if you experts dont mind. Im gonna ask anyways lol.

So if after 24hours and all eggs turn yellow or white, dose that mean i have 2 females laying eggs? or a male not doing its job?

I just took off the crappy cage I made earlier and the eggs have all been eaten. Good news though they are cleaning the flower pot again

scott bowler
Tue Jun 19, 2007, 11:15 AM
well Chris you could have 2 females but you may have a male that dosent have stronge swimmers so to speak hehe.if you put them in a tank and you see they are about to lay turn the filter, air off and see if that works .so there is no water movement at all .

Fat Discus
Tue Jun 19, 2007, 11:31 AM
Discus master, young cricket here wish to learn the art of breeding discus. Can discus master teach me the way of discus breeding. hahaha

check list...
Low ph
soft water
less - nil water movement
temp 31
should I leave a dim light on all night while they lay?

generaly speaking how long dose the courtship last for? I think I may have switched the light off a tad bit early.

Last night when they spawned the female did her trial run up the pot and then layed her eggs then her partner (male or female unsure as of yet) did the same thing after she moved away. Is that a good sign of a pr? Well just untill the eggs were eaten b4 the remaing eggs were still orange close to 24 hours I would presume

thank u discus master
young cricket

scott bowler
Tue Jun 19, 2007, 11:57 AM
chris in the forum breeding basics Merrylin has a sticky that will help you heaps .she has some great ideas there. Have a read there my young cricket and you will learn hehe and all ways happy to help as are most of the people in the know here hehe good luck and have fun