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View Full Version : Help- Flea, Ticks, Lice

Sun Jun 17, 2007, 01:15 AM
hi all help wanted. i notice last night in my secondary tank there are quite a few white colour ugly little things at the bottom of my tank. they are not worms they are tiny white flea/tick/lice (whatever they are). they move very fast like jumping around at the bottom of the tank.

what are they? how can i kill them? are they dangerous to discus? any advice is appreciated thank you.

Mon Jun 18, 2007, 06:59 AM
rotifers infuso, some form of small water borne crustacean

most fish would eat them, prehaps the discus are too large

they themselves are not harmful to the fish, they potentially in the nature act as intermediate vectors for certain pathogens


Tue Jun 19, 2007, 02:35 AM
thank you andrew very helpful information. in this case i wouldn't worry about it then and will try not to look at these ugly creature.