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View Full Version : Dont spend cheap...

Sat Jun 16, 2007, 07:43 AM
OK, for my STILL upcoming 6fter (which still hasnt bloody arrived...GRRR), I will be using a UV filter. I bought a pondmaster UV filter and a Sacem Marathon 2000. The Sacem marathon 2000 was only $150 so it was cheap and it just needed to pump water through my UV filter.

So I rigged it all up on a water ageing barrel, including the UV and it was all fine.

I just rigged it to my 165L tank to cycle it, connected all the bits and everything works fine right? No...Sacem's cheap taps and hoses had to kick me in the knackers. The filter was running fine, then the on the output side, the hose and tap disconnected from each other, covering me with water. I had to quickly turn off the filter and turn off the tap.

Cleanup time...

I think ill order an Eheim 2215 or 2217 off ASA soon...

What a bloody pain in the arse

And the tankmaker is still giving me the damn run around and if it wasnt for me being in the middle of exams, I would take all my frustration out on him.

GAH! Dont spend cheap ever on aquarium stuff...itll turn around and spray you with fishy water

Scotty Bils
Sat Jun 16, 2007, 07:46 AM
What do you think about your pondmaster? Have you hooked it up yet? I am looking at getting one......

Sat Jun 16, 2007, 08:23 AM
2215 or 2217 will make you VERY happy, watch the flow rate of the uv, 2215 would proably do a better job

Sat Jun 16, 2007, 08:47 AM
Hmm it may have to do with the height of the tank.

The Marathon 2000 seems to be designed for a taller tank methinks.

Either way, I think im gonna stuff it and get a 2215 or 2217. Im not gonna risk water flying everywhere again, especially with a plasma TV nearby

Sat Jun 16, 2007, 10:43 AM
What do you think about your pondmaster? Have you hooked it up yet? I am looking at getting one......

I have only used it on my water aging barrel for a few days.

I cant really comment, but I have heard that out of all the more reasonably priced UVs, its the best.

I have managed to "fix" the Marathon 2000. I had to use wire and masking tape to ensure that the hose doesnt come loose lol

Sat Jun 16, 2007, 11:38 AM
I found you have to really jam the hose on the fitting for the marathon, and dont have them bending away too sharply.
Never had them pop off on me, but made real sure they fit.


Sat Jun 16, 2007, 09:51 PM
By my calculations Fifty, this tank has been "under construction" for approximately 34yrs! :lol: :lol: I would have told the guy to stuff his tank somewhere and got Wayne to put one together. Then you could have paid for the tank and the rent for your fish in one purchase :D :wink:

Sun Jun 17, 2007, 01:35 AM
I jammed the hose as much as I could, and I thought they wouldnt bend too much but they slowly slowly bent and PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHT everywhere!

Robdog, the tank builder is my dad's mate, who recommended him to me so I dont wanna insult him or anything. Im pretty bloody fed up though but Im too busy to properly chase him up right now. Bloody exams