View Full Version : UV Steralizer - Pondmaster

Scotty Bils
Sat Jun 16, 2007, 07:43 AM
I am looking at buying a pondmaster UV steralizer.

I am going to hook it up to my 2217 canister.

Why should I spend the extra $50 for a 18w rather than an 9w (http://www.thereefshop.com.au/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=30) when the 8w claims to handle "9 Watt Clarifier suitable for small systems up to 5000L. max pump size 7500 L/H"

My 2217 will never pump 7500l/h and my tank is only 280 litres.........

I do have 2 canisters. Do I need 1 for each. The other is a 1300l/h Aqua One.

Additional Questions -

Do you leave them on 24/7 or only turn them on for a day or two after water changes??

Has anyone seen them cheaper or a better one for this price? Any feedback about this product. I am also looking a t buying a Jager 200w heater.

Which filter should I hook it up to? I have thought my 2217 as this is set up as a mechanical filter and the other filter is biological. Have I got this the wrong way around?

All feedback appreciated.


Scotty Bils
Tue Jun 19, 2007, 09:47 AM
I have a 11w Pondmaster UV on order from Aquarium Supplies Australia ( http://www.aquariumsuppliesaustralia.com.au/store/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=2384) Thanks for that!! Should be delivered by the end of the week - fingers crossed.

Speaking to a couple of LFS they have advised that the bigger the UV and the slower the water flow the better the contact time thus more effective.

One of my LFS first said the 5w would be ok for my 2217 but then said to get the 9w to be sure.. going by this the 11w I am buying should be ok.

I am going to hook it up on my outlet hose from the canister unless recommended otherwise but thats what I have read so far.

I will take some photos once it arrives and show how I hooked it up etc... 8-)