View Full Version : Erk the Newbie is having a newie

Tue Jun 12, 2007, 11:21 AM
Will it be a BOY or the obvious a GIRL - cause girls rule!
Good luck for December 2007 - us girls will have our legs crossed for you both :oops:

Wed Jun 13, 2007, 12:36 PM
hahahaha!! Thanks Bubbles!! :D Just saw this thread! :lol:

We wont be able to find out for about another month yet, and insurance only pays for one ultrasound :(

Maybe I should start a poll and see what people think it will be? :lol:

Here is a pic from the ultrasound the other day :D

scott bowler
Wed Jun 13, 2007, 12:50 PM
Erk well done mate congrats on the bub on the way hope all gose well and yes it would be a great crissy present ,we want pic when the aby is born hehe all the best

Wed Jun 13, 2007, 12:55 PM
Congratulations Eric !

Okay, I'm going to go for a girl, and ummmm 7lb 1 oz.

scott bowler
Wed Jun 13, 2007, 12:59 PM
oh sorry no i think a big boy 9lb hehe good luck

Wed Jun 13, 2007, 01:01 PM
Thanks scott and Merrilyn!! :D

Heartbeat is 136....has all its arms, and legs, cant tell if it has all its fingers and toes, but Im sure it does :lol: :wink:

I will def. update with pics after its born :wink:

Scott, I need your guess??

Merrilyn....thanks for the throwing the weight guess in there :wink:

I will keep you guys updated :D

Thanks again

Wed Jun 13, 2007, 01:03 PM
Hahaha....guess we were writing at the same time scott! :wink:

Thanks for your guess...she is a tiny girl, so anything is 9lbs is gonna be funny to see! she will freak out! hahaha :wink: She will need all the luck she can get! :lol:

1 for boy, 2 for girls

Thanks again!

Thu Jun 14, 2007, 11:53 AM
My guess - "if a girl" would be around the 6lb 13oz to 7lb 4oz - our first son weighed in @ 7lb 6oz & our daughter weighed in @ 6lb 13oz. Our son was 2 weeks early & our daughter was 4 days O/Due.
I know all you guys out there are going to love this statement - "sorry us girls" BOYS ARE EASIER TO RAISE, Girls are higher maintenance BUT faster at learning things like 'Toilet Training' 'Talking' & so on.... & of course what's changed, we still know how to communicate better, & we dont leave the toilet seat up. hehehe.
Anyway Erk the most important thing is the baby will be born safe & healthy.

Thu Jun 14, 2007, 12:00 PM
Gee l can rant & rave!
I forgot to say "thanks" Erk for the gorgeous Ultrasound pic, What a proud moment & great to hold onto for future Son/Daughter 18th birthday - when you put it up on a wall for all the friends to see. hahaha

Thu Jun 14, 2007, 12:04 PM
Well done Erk!!! keep us all posted, i say boy bout 3.5kg mark

Thu Jun 14, 2007, 12:15 PM
Thanks guys! :D

we still know how to communicate better, & we dont leave the toilet seat up. hehehe.

I was raised well, and I dont ever leave the seat up! Plus....with having cats, I dont want them swimming when Im not home! haha

Bubbles, you are very welcome for the ultrasound pic! I like your idea of putting it on the wall for the lil ones 18th birthday! haha :lol:

Thanks ILLUSN! Im really glad she let me get the pressurized system going before I had to start saving my pennies!

I will keep you guys updated! :D

Thanks again!

Thu Jun 14, 2007, 12:35 PM
Congratulations, and good luck with it.
My advise: epidural lol.
It will be a girl. :)

Thu Jun 14, 2007, 12:41 PM
My advise: epidural lol.

Ive heard this a lot! :lol: She is a tiny girl, so Im sure she will love epidural! :lol:

It will be a girl.

3 for girl, 2 for boy....Im thinking boy just to let everyone know! haha....my mother says my father couldnt make a girl if he tried everything possible, and he has 3 boys....I have a friend who had a girl about a month ago, so I think boy to "offset" things 8-)

Thanks again everyone! :D

Fri Jun 15, 2007, 12:20 AM
Just a quick note on Epidural's, they are great if your little chickie will be in for a long labour BUT if she comes into hospital with short sharp contractions & delivers quite quick (2-4hrs - is quick for me) she will be left numb from the waist down & stuck in bed until the drug wears off thus relying on nurses to bring the baby to her & not being able to move around & enjoy the new bub's.

Fri Jun 15, 2007, 12:39 AM
Hmmm....thanks for the tip :wink: guess she will have to make that decision then

Thanks tho....I will mention that to her :wink:

Fri Jun 15, 2007, 02:18 AM
Hey Erk,
Just remember,you are both going to get all sorts of advice from "all walks of life" - (Like me) make sure that when it comes down to "what to do" follow your own heart & gut instinct, other parents experiences will not be yours, you will both have an experience of your own to talk about to other expecting parents later down the track like we have with you.

Fri Jun 15, 2007, 12:29 PM
Congrats on bub!! Hope all goes well. Your ultrasound is really cool, you can really see the shape of the baby. My little one was facing outwards when my ultrasound was taken so it was really hard to see it. All I could see was the top of the skull and the back bone. LOL

Good luck! (ps. no drugs at all for me, just tried to stay relaxed as much as possible and stayed standing for as long as I could. It really helped. It is amazing how much your own adrenalin can produce endorphins etc. when needed. It still hurt like hell but nowhere near as bad as I had imagined. Maybe that is the key. lol imagine the worst pain ever and then it can only be better!)
My advice to you Erk, is let your lady make her final decisions about pain relief, and discuss it thouroughly before hand so you know what she wants and can communicate it to the nurses/midwives on her behalf if necessary. (sorry this has become an essay! :-) )

Fri Jun 15, 2007, 12:33 PM
Thanks bubbles and sammi for the congrats & tips :D I will discuss all this with her. Her sister who is slightly older then her has two kids, and Im sure my woman will take a good bit of advice from her.

Sammi....no guess? Boy or girl? You can guess weight if you wanna...its up to you

Thanks again! :D

Fri Jun 15, 2007, 12:37 PM
I am thinking Boy! No idea on the weight... :-)

Fri Jun 15, 2007, 12:38 PM
Thanks sammi....you tied it up now :D 3 for each (not including my vote) haha

No problem about the weight

Thanks for the vote!
Eric :D

Fri Jun 15, 2007, 05:42 PM
Girl 8pounds4ounces, 51cm long...

Tell her pethadine rocks... turn up the gas when the doctor is out of the room...

When my sister was in labour, i was sucking on the gas... it was heaps of fun, i did share it when she got a contraction.. lol

Fri Jun 15, 2007, 05:56 PM
Thanks DiscusWidow :D and you took it a step further as well with the length! :lol: 8-) Nice!

i was sucking on the gas... it was heaps of fun, i did share it when she got a contraction.. lol

That sounds like a plan to me! haha :lol: prolly gonna be a very nerve-racking day for us

I will mention that to her about the "pethadine" dunno if that is a common drug? Perhaps we cant get that over here? But thanks, I will mention that to her also

Thanks again for your vote.......now up to 4 for girls, 3 for boys :D

Fri Jun 15, 2007, 06:11 PM
it is a common drug.. I swore to go drug free... but was screaming for the drugs at the end of it...

Tell her good luck...

Fri Jun 15, 2007, 06:11 PM
Might be time to change ur name, ur a newbie with more posts than me...

Fri Jun 15, 2007, 06:29 PM
Yeah Ive heard quite a few people tell me they wanted to do drug free, but they couldnt....I will tell her you said good luck :wink:

Hahaha....good point about the name! :lol: I think thats just cause Im a newbie, and ask too many dumb questions, so I get to rack them up, plus I prolly post too many pictures too often....like I prolly have 50 pictures on here, with only owning discus for about 3 months! hahaha

Guess I will just make it say "erk" soon

Thanks :wink:

Fri Jun 15, 2007, 11:27 PM
Congratulations on the great news Erk. I hope you'll be there for the birth of your baby as it will be a treasured memory and something that you will never forget.

Our first was by natural delivery (Maddison) and the second was by an emergency cezar because the little bugger (Jacob) did not turn in the womb so he was going to try and climb out feet first (and the doctor f*@&ed up too :evil: ).

But all is good now and they are great fun!

All the best!!

Fri Jun 15, 2007, 11:37 PM
Thanks Bald_noggin :D I will be there for the birth of the baby, and Im sure it will be a treasured memory :D

Im glad to hear things are good with you and your family now...sorry to hear the doc *^%#ed up :(

We were actually thinking of the name madison (with only one d) as one of the names if its a girl :D

Got a guess boy or girl for me Bald_noggin?

Thanks for the congrats :D

Sat Jun 16, 2007, 12:46 AM
Got a guess boy or girl for me Bald_noggin?

Hmmm, Girl.

Madison is a good name that you can truncate so you can call them by Madi most of the time. Only when they're in trouble, it becomes MADISON! :lol:

You have my vote for that name!

Sat Jun 16, 2007, 12:54 AM
Hmmm, Girl.

Thanks Bald_noggin :D

Madison is a good name that you can truncate so you can call them by Madi most of the time. Only when they're in trouble, it becomes MADISON!

That sounds good to me 8-) :lol:

You have my vote for that name!

Thanks :D I will let her know 8-) :D

Girls names are easier to come up :roll:

Thanks again! :D

Mon Jul 09, 2007, 05:02 PM
*Update.......we will find out thursday what the sex is! Time to really place your bets people! haha :lol:

I will let everyone know!

Thanks to all for your support, and advice :D

Tue Jul 10, 2007, 03:45 AM
Has to be a girl, there is far too much testosterone flying about the place as it is...

Tue Jul 10, 2007, 04:17 AM
What?? :shock: You're going to spoil the surprise before the big day!?!

Tue Jul 10, 2007, 10:17 AM
Hey Eric,
How is everything going, did the ultrasound go good? How exciting this is.
I say as long as the baby has 10 fingers & 10 toes, a girl or a boy will be perfect either way - I still think girls rule & I love the name "Madison" - I seem to have gone for the American Kids names (Jake & Shelby). I fell in love with the name Shelby from the movie "Steel Magnolias" - Julia Roberts played Shelby in the movie (us girls will know the movie) & yes the Car is pretty cool too.

Tue Jul 10, 2007, 12:21 PM
Thanks everyone

What?? You're going to spoil the surprise before the big day!?!

Yup, we both wanna know, and we are having issues coming up with names, so it will be nice to narrow the field down! lol

Bubbles, I will figure all this out on thursday my time.....so I will update again this weekend! Its very exciting tho! I do like madison and shelby, as girls name. Ive seen Steel Magnolias, but it was a long time ago

Thanks again everyone :D

Tue Jul 10, 2007, 09:29 PM
Erk - we found what sex our baby was and never regretted it - its your choice and it's magical to bond with it once you know if it is a Daddy's girl or a Mummy's boy. Congratulations!


Wed Jul 11, 2007, 12:44 AM
Erk - we found what sex our baby was and never regretted it - its your choice and it's magical to bond with it once you know if it is a Daddy's girl or a Mummy's boy. Congratulations!

DELHey Del,
This is very true, once you have found out if it's a boy or girl the bond is even greater & you can put a name to the baby growing inside. not to mention the decor & clothing colours (remember the 'Mint Green" & "Yellow" bonds suits). It makes it easier for other people to buy gifts too.

Wed Jul 11, 2007, 12:22 PM
Thanks Del and Bubbles! We both said a while ago, that we wanted to find out what it is, so with it being our first, we would like to know....prolly just make things a bit easier for us. Maybe next one we can let be a surprise! lol :shock:

Thanks again! Will update tomorrow what we find out :D

the german
Wed Jul 11, 2007, 12:35 PM
congrats erk.

madison :roll: i hope you have a square garden :lol:

like the name,i have a 7 month old boy,its just the best what can happen....untill they can crawl :lol: :lol: :lol:

Wed Jul 11, 2007, 12:39 PM
Hahaha......thanks german! Im sure its gonna be an interesting ride from here on! lol :lol:

Congrats on your 7month old baby boy!

Fri Jul 13, 2007, 01:03 AM
WELL?????? What is it :) Suspense is not a good thing lol :)

Fri Jul 13, 2007, 12:17 PM
Sorry Xtreme.....nothing good to report on the gender front :( The baby either moves too much or is curled up in a ball, so we couldnt find out.

So far she is 18-20 weeks, the baby is 11 ounces....has all its arms, legs, fingers, toes, facial features....and the heartbeat is 150

We are hopefull we can get another one, and hopefully find out then

Thanks for asking tho :D

Sat Jul 14, 2007, 11:21 AM
You know Erk, the surprise factor is pretty cool!! and no matter how sure you are of the name he/she is bound to come out and not look anything like the name you have chosen... Or you may be desperate like me and my partner who couldnt agree on anything and I happened to see an ad for Charmed on the tv and in desperation said "what about Phoebe?" and lo and behold he happened to like it... its just a pity that it really was never a name I would have chosen but in saying that, it really does suit her. lol (and I call her Flea anyway :-) )

Thu Aug 09, 2007, 12:54 PM
Finally found out what the sex is yesterday :roll: All these "rules" so people dont get sued!

Anyways......GIRL!!! :D :D

Thanks for your guesses :D

Thu Aug 09, 2007, 01:00 PM
Yay! a girl, just a warning though, I had a friend who was told she was having a boy and it turned out to be a girl... so it is not 100% but hey! lucky she had not bought all blue stuff etc.

good luck!

Thu Aug 09, 2007, 01:01 PM
Yeah, the doctor said "it looks like a girl" not "its a girl" cause you never know for sure until the lil one arrives, so we will see

Im sure we wont buy all pink! :lol:

Thanks for the tip tho :wink:

Thu Aug 09, 2007, 01:03 PM
lol! :-)

Thu Aug 09, 2007, 01:04 PM

Congratulations, girls rock lol :)

Thu Aug 09, 2007, 01:07 PM
:lol: Thanks very much Xtreme and sammi :lol:

Im very excited! I have to get back to figuring out a name for her, and have a backup boy name...oh and middle names :P

I will keep you guys posted

Thanks again :D

Tue Aug 14, 2007, 09:57 AM
Well I guess I'm a tad late with the news - Erk, I'm with Xtreme "Girls Rock" a BIG congrats to you & your Chickie Babe - Erk, that's fantastic.

Tue Aug 14, 2007, 10:44 AM
Yaaaaay girls rule :blob

Tue Aug 14, 2007, 12:31 PM
Thanks Bubbles and Merrilyn :D

Im very excited! She wanted a girl, so Im excited for her too! :D

Thanks for the congrats everyone :D

Sun Aug 26, 2007, 10:56 PM
Thanks Bubbles and Merrilyn :D

Im very excited! She wanted a girl, so Im excited for her too! :D

Thanks for the congrats everyone :DSo Erk,
Do we have any girls names yet?
I'm going to post a new topic for everyone to respond with an idea for girls names in this forum to help you both out, you may see a name someone posted & think "I like that name".
Bubbles aka Karen

Mon Aug 27, 2007, 02:01 PM
Thanks very much Karen!! :D Thats a great idea! I just saw the thread your talking about....we arent having the greatest luck so far, so hopefully that thread will help!

Im gonna go check it out now :D

Thanks again!