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View Full Version : FS: Complete 4foot 250L set up

Mon Jun 11, 2007, 10:38 AM
Hi Guys,
Due to having to move in a couple of months Im selling my setup. Its been sitting idle for a couple of weeks now & Ive decided not to take it with me. Everything works a treat & would suit someone who's looking to setup a new planted tank, you wont need to buy anything else.

Included is:
Standard size 4foot tank
Stained Cabinet & Hood
108w of T5 lighting
300w stainless steel heater (aqua one)
1200ltr/hr cannister filter
9w Pondmaster UV
Small all in one tank ( I use this as a hospital tank, its the blue tank u can see in the bottom of the front on pic, I think its about 25ltrs)
Various rocks & gravel
Home made Co2 reactor & Diffusor
Couple of Pieces of driftwood
Various chemicals & Water treatments (Cichlid buffers, Seachem plant additives etc)

Theres over 2grands worth of product there, Im looking for $600 O.N.O
Keep in mind all you need to do to this is add fish and plants, its ready to go & be made into a planted tank. Everything you see in the pics is included. Ive probably got some other stuff lying around you can have as well. PLease Email Or call me if interested. Im located in the Sutherland Shire in Sydney, & its for pickup.
Email: ljnicholson@exemail.com.au
Ph: 0433 678 795

Mon Jun 11, 2007, 10:41 AM
I almost forgot, the background is now black. It shows up plants & fish much nicer than the blue background in the pics. However if you dont like black its easily removed with a paint scraper & doesnt damage the glass. Tank is in great condition, no scratches.

Tue Jul 03, 2007, 09:47 AM