View Full Version : My Discus has gone mad?

Sat Jun 09, 2007, 12:13 AM
I just saw one of discus darting around the tank back and forth really, really fast few times. I have never seen any fish, let along discus, do that before. He did that twice in a span of 5 minutes. He seems to be OK, but what would cause a discus to do this? I heard splash noise, so I turned to look at the tank and that's what was happening. I am pretty sure this isn't a normal behaviour. What is going on?

scott bowler
Sat Jun 09, 2007, 01:11 AM
hi dntx5b9
it can be a number of things ,it does happen some times some thing my have spooked it a shadow or some thing ,it could be a parasite .or there could be some thing wrong with the water ,check the water for ammonia, have a close look at your fish and see if it breething is ok not fast.Check the gill plates arent close .just check every thing first and keep an eye on it .let us know if you find any thing .

Sat Jun 09, 2007, 04:43 AM
I have found ammonia in my tap water about three weeks ago, and started using prime to condition the water. I do about 75 ~ 80% water change every three days, so probably not water quality issue. He was eating when I fed him tonight, so I feel better. I am watching them closely.

Sat Jun 09, 2007, 01:27 PM

I fill its "Swirling Disease". I don't know what's the reason. But if you note from all discus stock few discus only behaving like that, so its more strange.

To overcome this disease maintain your ph level, don't experiment with medicine, remove the rocks or any artificial stuff, because discus get damage when running or spinning as they lost there control.

Hope your discus get well soon.

Thu Jun 14, 2007, 03:05 PM
Well, everything seems to be back to normal. The "mad" discus is no longer mad and acting normal and eating well. May be something spooked him. I thought for sure that he was going to bang in to something and seriously injure himself.

Thu Jun 14, 2007, 03:14 PM
Its unfortunately one of those things . They do get spooked quite easy and fling themselves round the tank. I lost one of my favourite fish the other day due to it getting spooked by my cat, it flung itself round the tank and started swimming in circles constantly. When I got out of bed the next morning it was dead :-( Had to witness the whole thing. Bloody Cat !!!

Thu Jun 14, 2007, 03:15 PM
Its unfortunately one of those things . They do get spooked quite easy and fling themselves round the tank. I lost one of my favourite fish the other day due to it getting spooked by my cat, it flung itself round the tank and started swimming in circles constantly. When I got out of bed the next morning it was dead :-( Had to witness the whole thing. Bloody Cat !!!

Fri Jun 15, 2007, 12:02 AM
Well, I spoke too soon. I came home from work and the same guy was doing it again. I looked at him closely and both his eyes were cloudy and one eye was all swollen. He was fine last night, but it happened so quickly. I am at a loss. Discuss keeping is really frustrating. I thought I was doing well for a while and this. He is on his side on top of the water.

Fri Jun 15, 2007, 06:46 AM
if they're getting spooked its either the water or parasites.

Fri Jun 15, 2007, 08:09 AM
Ok , the white eyes and the other symptoms sounds like a more serious problem than just a knock on the head .... I suggest you put a post in the Emergency Room, theres a lot more people in the know who can help you and it will get noticed there.

Sorry I cant help any more


Fri Jun 15, 2007, 03:19 PM
Well, woke up to two dead discus. While I was watching the tank last night, I noticed another guy was exhibiting same symptoms albiet a lot mider. Things were going well, I thought, and then something like this happens. I do 70 to 80% water changes every three days, so I don't think water quality was the issue. Didn't look like any parasites either, but i guess you can't really tell. Very frustrating. And it happened so fast. They were fine 24 hours ago and wound up dead the next day. :x :(

mr troph
Fri Jun 22, 2007, 09:06 AM
:cry: Sorry to hear mate. I am planing on getting Discus soon and it scares me to think they are so tempremental but I am sure they are well worth the occasional mishap.


scott bowler
Fri Jun 22, 2007, 09:46 AM
I am planing on getting Discus soon and it scares me to think they are so tempremental but I am sure they are well worth the occasional mishap.


they are tempremental and they are worth haveing Todd but we all make mistakes from time to time .But they arent that hard to keep and are great fun .

Fri Jun 22, 2007, 09:52 AM
have you fed any kind of live food ???

Fri Jun 22, 2007, 10:58 AM
I personally think that 70-80% water changes are a bit extreme unless you are growing out fry/juvies and are changing water everyday.

I believe 20-25% water changes every few days would be quite adequate unless your tank is overstocked.
by doing such large water changes so frequently it is possible that the bacterial colony is not thriving thereby causing mini cycles which may cause nitrite spikes which could cause the symptoms you describe of darting around etc.


Hope you dont lose anymore.

Sat Jun 23, 2007, 02:17 PM
Well, I was doing big water changes because I thought the bigger the better... Also, I have juvies still growing. I've had them for over three months now and at almost 4". May be I will cut down on the amount some. Anyhow, all others are doing well. I added an airstone last week and fish seem happier. I have 6 in the tank, and hopefully, they will live happily ever after .... Also, since the bacteria live mostly live in the filter and other places, the amount of water change should not have cycle related impacts, right?

Sun Jun 24, 2007, 03:08 AM
bacteria feed on ammonia and no3 if your doing constant changes, your limiting their food and so they can never get fully established, try adding a shot of cycle or other baterial starter each major change to help the filter a little bit.

20-25% every 1-2days should be fine. I only change my display tank once a week (bout 30-40%) and the discus spawn well in there.

Mon Jun 25, 2007, 03:35 AM
From what I have read, large water changes can affect the cycle as what Illusn has said
also as per illusn, I change my display tank once a week same percentage and they are all very happy.

good luck,

scott bowler
Mon Jun 25, 2007, 06:55 AM
i do tend to agree with you guys some times we get a bit carried away with our water changes . doing big changes .I think that we are throwing out the balance of things .there are people that panic when there is things that dont look right and so a 80% water change .hope you get things worked out soon dntx5b9

Mon Jun 25, 2007, 12:14 PM
I am all for doing less water changes. Things looked to be OK for my other fish so far. I was doing the water changes that I am doing because I thought bigger and more the better. May be I will reduce the amount and frequency to 50% every four days. But I do have lots of other dither fish. Other than the 6 discus, 35 Cardinals, 15 Rummy Noses, and few others.