View Full Version : Hi from Melbourne

Wed Jun 06, 2007, 09:44 AM
HI all,

I am currently setting an 87Ltr tank. My aim is to have it contain angels, discus, cory cats and a pleco.

Hope this forum will be a place I can get information and discuss how best to raise discus.


Wed Jun 06, 2007, 10:14 AM
welcome to the forum Jean
an 87ltr tank isn't really big enough for discus, it is recommended 40-50 ltrs per adult discus so u would only be able to go 2 discus and discus are a schooling fish so 2 isnt good in a tank unless there a pair. also it's not really recommended to have angels in with discus or some pleco's for that matter.
sorry to put a downer on things, just trying to give u info.

scott bowler
Wed Jun 06, 2007, 10:45 AM
welcome jean i am sorry but fish_r is right in all he has said ,but welcome as i said and hope you learn heaps here like we do and have fun good luck with it all kep us posted on how things are going .

Wed Jun 06, 2007, 10:46 AM
Will keep that in mind as I continue to set up the tank.

I have seen a community tank set up with discus, angels and a pleco. That was my initial idea for this tank.

The 87ltr is only an intermediate tank till I move house and can get a larger tank. (dont tell the OH as he doesnt know that yet!) :P

I may change things around as I add more fish to the tank. At the moment it has pretty much just finished cycling and currently holds 4 angels, 2 black neon tetras and a black widow tetra. The tetras will be moving back into my 35ltr tank with 2 other angels as they were only used to help cycle my tank. The 35ltr currently holds 1 breeding pair of angels and a bristlenose.