View Full Version : No nitrates in planted tank

Tue May 29, 2007, 05:00 AM
I have a heavily planted tank, which is giving the following readings:
pH 7.0
KH 40
GH 5
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 0
phosphate 0

None of the tests are old, and appear to work fine since my other tank gives a nitrate reading

I admit i've been busy/lazy, and haven't done a water change in about a month, yet everything i'm able to test for is looking good

Since i've always had the impression that the main purpose of water changes was to dilute nitrate levels, i've been searching the net (without success) to find out whether there are any other toxins that could build up in the water over time. Any ideas?

Tue May 29, 2007, 08:25 AM
thre are other organics in fish waste that pollute the water, these usually result in a drop i ph.

Wed May 30, 2007, 03:16 PM
A planted tank doesnt need W/C(s), Only if the tank is 3/4 plants.

The key here is by no W/C(s) that your plants and the BioLoad/FishWaste are balancing themselves out. Kinda cool isnt it. 8-) :wink:

Thu May 31, 2007, 06:01 AM
Welcome to the forum Kokoro.

I would say you have a very well balanced tank, with lots of plants and a very small fish load.

You still need to do water changes though. I wish it was that easy :P But the truth of the matter is that fish urinate, and urine is very acidic. This will gradually pull your pH down.

It's interesting to note that even Amano, who is the guru of planted tanks, recommends water changes. Both plants and fish benefit from the salts and minerals in fresh water.

Do a water change at least weekly, your fish (and your plants) will love you for it.

the german
Thu May 31, 2007, 10:07 AM
A planted tank doesnt need W/C(s), Only if the tank is 3/4 plants.

The key here is by no W/C(s) that your plants and the BioLoad/FishWaste are balancing themselves out. Kinda cool isnt it. 8-) :wink:

:shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:

good joke m8,i schould buy me some plants then :lol: