View Full Version : Iron Chelate

Wed May 16, 2007, 11:23 AM
Hi guys, has anyone used water soluble Iron Chelate for aquarium use before? What are the recommended doses?

Tue May 22, 2007, 01:54 PM
I've used it but i didn't like it in the water, made the water VERY CLOUDY for bout 6 hrs i believe i uses bout 1-1.5g in a 4x2x1.5 (330L). i now use it only in clay balls as a substrate fert.

Thu Nov 08, 2007, 11:27 AM
Depends on the strength of the powder
usually come in 6-13%

Most people with planted tanks aim for 0.1ppm (levels greater than this can possibly create algae without any greater benefit to the plant)

For example a 6% iron chelate powder:
0.17g (1/30th of a teaspoon, impossible to measure) in 100L will give 0.1ppm

Post up the capacity or dimensions of your tank and the strength(%) of the chelate powder and ill help you work out a good dosing routine.