View Full Version : I give up dammit

Fri May 11, 2007, 05:20 AM
OK, some of you know of my 6x2x2 tank saga. I'm pretty sure know itll be coming next week or the week after. Soon anyway.

Anyway because I thought it would be coming ages ago, I had previously ordered plants from ASA, but since it didnt come, they sat in a plastic storage container outside, which I had put eco complete in, and fertilised, with the lights that I had for the new tank over the top.

The plants grew quite well for the last few months, however fish and snails appeared. I was worried about disease they could bring so one night, after consuming beers, I got the bright idea of putting some bleach in there so those bastard fish and snails would DIE.

After the beers wore off, I realised what the bleach would do, and I checked on the plants to see that they were all bleached...but the fish and snails died!

Most of the plants are dead now and I'm worried about any residual bleach in the eco complete if I put it in the new tank, so stuff it im gonna use it all as fertiliser for my mum's garden. I wont risk $1600 in fish just to stinge on $35 worth of eco complete and $30 of plants that are still living. I've been cultivating these plants for months but its all gone to waste now. Oh well

Good thing I now have a $100 Xtreme voucher. Bec/Wayne, can I use the voucher to pay for stuff bought on ASA when I pick them up?

Note to self: no matter how smart you think you are when you are drinking beer, you arent

Fri May 11, 2007, 07:33 AM
lol, gotta love beer

Fri May 11, 2007, 10:09 AM
It wasn't the beer, it was the bleach!

Fri May 11, 2007, 03:01 PM
Maybe I should drink the bleach and put beer for the fish next time

Fri May 11, 2007, 03:13 PM
Really? You'd do that with your beer?

Fri May 11, 2007, 11:05 PM
Beer isn't all bad Fifty!

Sat May 12, 2007, 01:53 AM
Beer is mine not for the fish! All mine!

I'm gonna have to divert some fish money to buy DIY brewing gear so I get super cheap beer and my own keg and tap

Sat May 12, 2007, 04:52 PM
Why's my picture not working?
Oh well

Sat May 12, 2007, 09:19 PM
The plants grew quite well for the last few months, however fish and snails appeared. I was worried about disease they could bring so one night, after consuming beers, I got the bright idea of putting some bleach in there so those bastard fish and snails would DIE.

Beer or not ..... your a MORON who doesn't deserve any fish

Sun May 13, 2007, 01:49 AM
I'm a typical beer drinking non thinking male ;)

Sun May 13, 2007, 08:04 AM
Don't feel too bad. A former roomate of mine bleached his tank after a week of overfeeding by someone who did not know how to keep fish.

The fish were all dead the next day...this guy
1) Was not drunk,
2) Had a degree in Biochemistry
3) Had been keeping fish for several years.

He should have known, even though he rinsed the gravel well, that bleaching an undergravel filter is probably not a good idea :)