View Full Version : White worms

Fri Apr 27, 2007, 03:20 PM
Ive just bough loads of these wrigglie fellas and currently breeding them in a big pot of compost. Anyway, I have been wondering what happenes when I feed them and one doesn't get eat and I cannot find it to scoop it out? Will it bring any harm to fish? How often should I worm my discus?

Thanks all!

Fri Apr 27, 2007, 07:01 PM
white worm are a small form of eart worms, they are not pathogenic to fish and will not cause intestinal disease associated with worming per se

white worms appear quite apt at living under water for a long period , cory's love digging them up in substrate

over feeding and death in substrate would obviously be bad for your water


the german
Sat Apr 28, 2007, 01:27 AM
i use to bred them back in germany,great food for discus,here it is too warm for them and you would need a fridge or some sort of temp. controled box :?
i fed them with wafers(in ger. they called eggwafers)great food
just watch out for i think in english they called mite,they are not good,the numbers of the worms will go down rapidly,i think they eat the eggs,but you can pick the worms out and give them new soil.


Mon Apr 30, 2007, 05:33 PM
Is it true that its bad to feed white worms too often?

Tue May 01, 2007, 07:31 AM
the suggestion i have read is high fat content

where that comes from i do not know
if it is true fish are not good at digesting animal fat so it would be incorrect to feed them too often

saying that i feed my apisto's everyday that i have white worrm available, sometimes daily , sometimes weekly

my logic says something eating(in my case oats) which contain rutin and bind cholesterol in mammals and being basically a small eartworm or tube of muscle cant be too high in fat
as yet i dont believe i get problems
