View Full Version : Maybe This Time

Wed Apr 25, 2007, 07:59 AM
Just been in to my fish room and found my cobolt and rsb have spawned ,this is spawn number 5.The last time the eggs lasted 2 days im hoping soon they will raise some young, oh well fingers crossed.

scott bowler
Wed Apr 25, 2007, 08:48 AM
cliff do you have any thing in your tank , apart from air stone or sponge filter. when i see my fish are about to spawn i turn the air of as i have sponge filter in my breeding tanks and even the air on is enough to make a lay unsuccsesful that little bit of moving water

Wed Apr 25, 2007, 08:55 AM
thats s good stuff cliff

there must be something in the water mate
i am on my 3rd spawn with my pigeon blood's in 3 weeks and there are wrigglers in the tank from the last spawn last week--

gota pull my finger out and get the 2ft ready - geez i am lazy sometimes--

but hopefully i will also get to the next stage and get some keepers as well

post some pics if u get a chance or got time


Wed Apr 25, 2007, 09:04 AM
Hi Scott
I have a sponge filter witch is only just going and a terracotta pot for spawning on tank is 30c ph 6.8 other numbers are 0,0,10
the tank is approx 1.5 mt off the ground room light only with led night light think i have it covered or have i missed the obvious.

scott bowler
Wed Apr 25, 2007, 09:15 AM
no mate that sounds good , with the other spawn were the eggs firtalized do you know (sorry about the spelling not a stronge point hehe) if so it is ok if not i would turn the air off when you see them about to lay next time . is there enough light on the tank

Wed Apr 25, 2007, 09:19 AM
I cant tell you if the eggs were fertized as they were eaten before hatching i am assuming the fish are a pair im sure by there breeding tubes \.