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View Full Version : April ADA meeting on this weekend

Mon Apr 23, 2007, 07:37 AM
The April ADA meeting will be held this weekend.

I will be taking along some peppermint bristlenoses to sell for $20 a piece if anyone is interested, they are about 1 inch and bigger.

If any other members are coming and wish to sell soem items then add them here so people know what is available.

there is norammly tetra bits beef heart mix and other fishy related items for purchase at reasonable prices.

Hope to see you there for a chat and coffee etc.


Tue Apr 24, 2007, 06:14 AM
Out of curiousity, why would you be taking peppermint bn to a discus club meeting, I thought the ADA was supposed to be about Discus, not catfish.

Fri Apr 27, 2007, 08:46 AM

I dont think that there has been one meeting i have been two in teh last three years where we dont talk about other types of fish at our meetings.

I myself breed BN's adn discus. Other breed cichlids and toehr types as well.

We also discuss plants and filtration etc which are not just discus related but are relatefd to all fish keeping.

We are a fish keeping club with a focus on Discus but how many pet keepers only keep one type of fish or dont appreciate other species within the same pet variety.


White Dragon
Thu May 17, 2007, 12:20 PM
Clarky you should know better. You have bred many other cichlid in the past and sold them so why critize others

White Dragon
Thu May 17, 2007, 12:27 PM
Info for ADA members and interested discus breeders - the ADA Meeting will not be held at Ross St, Parramatta - (The Lions Den) on Saturday 26th May, 2007.
We will be meeting at the RoseHill Bowling Club at 7.30p.m. Opposite RoseHill Race Course.

See you there. ADA Secretary.