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View Full Version : Sponge Filters / Air Requirements

Wed Apr 18, 2007, 03:31 PM
I was looking at using these sponge filters
for grow out tanks aswell as the breeding tanks and was wondering how you figure out how many to put in each tank, what size ones to use and how much air per minute should you put through each one.

I was looking at 2ft x 20 Inch x 20 Inch for breeding tanks and 4 ft x 20Inch x 20Inch for grow outs.

I am guessing bigger is better and more airflow is better but what is a good rate and what would just be over kill on tanks of this size.

Thank you for any advice.

scott bowler
Thu Apr 19, 2007, 02:45 AM
hi Warruff in the 2 ft i would use 1 of the big ones and in the 4 ft use 2 if thats the way you are going to go, how ever there are some very good little filters you can use on growing tank , you will find them at asa as well , in the use of the sponge filters i use my air pump on high but in the breeding tank if i see them about to spawn i will turn it of or down as far as i can to stop the water movement to give the male more of a chance to do his thing good luck with it mate all the best

Thu Apr 19, 2007, 03:08 PM
Thank you for the help scott :)

Wed May 02, 2007, 12:39 PM
I am going to set up 2 x 3ft tanks (920x360x500) to attempt to breed discus. I am thinking of dividing one tank in half for two pairs and having the other tank for a growout/quarantine/hospital tank.

I have got 2 x small sponge filters but I think I wil need more filtration for each tank.

What do you think I need for optimum filtration?
