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View Full Version : High NitrItes!!! Help

Tue Apr 17, 2007, 12:22 AM
Hi all
I have checked my tank water parameters and all is well except i have High Nitrites- .05 !!!
i have been doing water changes every 2nd day and nitrites are not coming down??
I have checked the tap water - nothing
The aged water - nothing
only in the tank?
It is a 4x2x2 with 6 medium - small discus and 11 tetras?
the tank has been set up for about 2 years?
Help - any suggestions??
will salt help??
all the fish are doing fine and eating, swimming around no worries?
thanks in advance Karen

Wed Apr 18, 2007, 02:29 AM
Could be a dead fish somewhere or something collected over time?

Posting something about your filter will help us too.

Wed Apr 18, 2007, 08:37 AM
thanks fish-R i have a wet dry filter with bio balls in the sump and a sponge in the overflow i also have a top filter with more sponge and filter floss. i have checked the tank for dead fish and cleaned out dead plant
material as i only have the 6 discus and tetras they are all accounted for.
My fish are all acting fine and they dont seem to be stressed?????
Could my tank be recycling for some reason??
thanks for you help

Wed Apr 18, 2007, 02:27 PM
If you cleaned you filters lately, you could have killed your filter and having a mini cycle. You need to clean the sopnges with tank water at least every week to wash away all things caught in them. Adding some salt may help. I would up the WCs. It is way better than the salt.

Did you add some new fish lately? If so, your filter is trying to catch up with then new bio load.

A finall issue is the size of the filter. You may want to make sure it can handle the size of your tank.