View Full Version : Filter Question

Wed Mar 21, 2007, 03:18 AM
Hello everyone i just joined the forum today, its amazing by the way. A little info on my fish: they are Pigeon Bloods and they are breeding on my filter tube. I first noticed they had eggs about 2 months ago, ever since they have kept trying about 14 times. About 4 days ago i noticed that the female had a bunch of wigglers in her mouth while still guarding some of the eggs
(I'm guessing unfertilized) she kept trying to spit them onto the filter tube. My filter is exactly like the filter the Eclipse tank has. I decided that i would turn it off so that the wigglers wouldn't get sucked up. I then got a bit close to check the filter for any wigglers (bad idea) when i looked in the tank the rest of the eggs were gone along with the wigglers. Both male and female were swimming around the surface ready for me to feed them :( yesterday i noticed they had laid eggs again on the tube.So my question is, what should i do about the filter? and why might they have eaten the wigglers?

the german
Wed Mar 21, 2007, 08:27 AM
welcome to the forum shawgrath.

you should give them a breeding cone they will lay there eggs on that then.
they are practicing so no worrys that they eat them,some times they are spooked easy so let them alone when they have eggs or small wriglers should be all good then.


Wed Mar 21, 2007, 09:05 AM
Thank you German i will put a breeding cone in there!!!

Bill T
Wed Mar 21, 2007, 10:31 AM
Good luck with the breeding.
I've had lots of eggs and wrigglers but because I keep a community tank, have lost all newbies to other fish &/or the filter intake.
When I get back from overseas later this year I'm going to set up a breeding tank and have a serious go.
From what I read here, you need a very plain tank, probably bare bottom, minimal filtration (as in suction), loads of water changes and live baby brine shrimp.

the german
Wed Mar 21, 2007, 01:47 PM
yes bill baby brine shrimp is a must and 5-8 time a day so often as possible,beter 12 small ones than 4 big feeds.

Bill T
Thu Mar 22, 2007, 05:47 AM
I had better give up my day job!!!!!

Thu Mar 29, 2007, 12:15 PM
Thank you guys, this has been very help full, as soon as i get a breeding cone I'm going to cut suction filtrations and increase water changes. My fish lay eggs about 2 days after they eat the last eggs. I read that it is not recommended to change water while they have eggs, this means that i would only probably be doing water changes every 3 days or so. What do you guys advice? ty once again

mistakes r crucial
Thu Mar 29, 2007, 06:44 PM
Every 3 days is fine whilst they have eggs and wrigglers. Once they swim a small change every day is better but keep the parameters as close as possible.