View Full Version : Feeding fish vegetables

Discus Dan
Thu Mar 08, 2007, 10:38 PM
I've been told by some people that you can feed your bottom dwellers lettuce or zucchini. Is this common practice or am I better of sticking to spirulina discs?

Fri Mar 09, 2007, 03:30 AM
they will love zuchini...in fact all my discus used to eat zuchini at least once a week. i used to cut it into slices and throw them in the freezer. every now and then i would take a piece out and throw it in attached to a clip and suction cup.... it was a race between the bn and the discus but they all ate it

for bottom dwellers only they will love to eat zuchini, pumpkin, lettuce and spirulina wafers etc

it's good practice to feed as much variety as possible

good luck


Fri Mar 09, 2007, 08:05 AM
i am pretty bad @ feeding my bn's whips etc i think ?, i usually only chuck a cpl hikari wafers in once to twice a week, but they also eat what my discus do.
iv'e always been worried to feed zuchini etc cause of it fowling ur water ?
how long do u leave it in the tank ? and how much do u put in ?

Fri Mar 09, 2007, 09:09 AM
only put a small amount in the tank at a time (LIKE ALL FOOD) and give it a bit of clean or suction afterwards if you can

that is why i only fed once or twice a week cause it can fowl the water if fed too much

Fri Mar 09, 2007, 09:39 AM
in my chiclid tank i throw in a whole zucinni cut straight down the centre

i weight them done with two old forks poked in the end

it takes a day for the fish to destroy it

i do this once a week

Fri Mar 09, 2007, 12:22 PM
Mine completely ignored blanched carrot, but the whips and the peppermint bristlenoses have both been seen fighting the others for the beefheart cubes and other discus food - I was all prepared for veggie feeding, but they don't seem interested!

I'm still putting the algae wafers in, which dissapear (or dissapate, not sure which) overnight.

I've gotta say, the carnivore peps are twice the size of the others, and I'm sure there wasn't much difference when they arrived a couple of weeks ago.

Fri Mar 09, 2007, 08:38 PM
try zuchini or blached cos letuce and see what happens

(your catfish will be omnivores but they do need some veggies in there diet to keep them as healthy as they can be :wink: )

Sat Mar 10, 2007, 02:59 AM
Okeydokey. Thanks!