View Full Version : Doco Reccommendayion - Jewel_of_the_Rift_Lake_Tanganyika_

Fri Feb 16, 2007, 02:11 PM
this is a National Geographic production that is a few years old but kicks arse!!

http://torrentspy.com/torrent/933480/Jewel_of_the_Rift_Lake_Tanganyika_National_Geograp hic

no discus or anything like that because it is specific the the Lake Tanganyikan location

It's a Cichlid species doco...but we must all remember that Discus are a part of the Cichlid group

very well worth a watch and the painfull time to download

I will continue to share as much as possible over the next week (bare in mind that i am still downloading from just 1 seed!)

hopefully there is a full seed staying on for us (i will when i have the full copy


Fri Feb 16, 2007, 02:12 PM
here is a brief preview from another site

The National Geographic Channel will be airing Jewel of the Rift, an award-winning documentary on the wildlife and evolutionary history of Africa's Lake Tanganyika. This lake is the source of a variety of african cichlids found in the hobby today, as well as other unique forms of wildife. The film illustrates the natural behaviors and origins of the many familiar cichlids we keep in our aquariums.

Fri Feb 16, 2007, 02:13 PM
They do multiple scenes on breeding, follow emperor cichlids and their brood, talk a little about giant puffers and electric catfish, etc. a little of everything.

Fri Feb 16, 2007, 02:15 PM
Explore Africa 's Deepest Lake

Take the plunge into a unique watery kingdom ten million years in the making. Now you can travel to the heat of Africa and explore the over 400 mile-long Lake Tanganyika, the deepest and perhaps oldest lake in Africa. It borders on four African countries but is definitely a world of its own. The inhabitants of this realm have evolved over millions of years, yet survival remains a daily struggle. Pytons, water cobras, clawless otters, freshwater puffers, and electric catfish all vie for safety and supremacy--or at least a meal. These creatures live and play in water as beautiful and clear as the surrounding mountain air--in one of the WORLD'S LAST GREAT PLACES.

Dangerous Dave
Sat Feb 17, 2007, 11:53 AM
I taped this from the tv a few years ago. An awesome doco.