View Full Version : Ignorance is bliss ??

Wed Sep 22, 2004, 07:18 AM
Okay, go pour yourself a nice stiff drink, cos after you read this, you're gonna need it. Visited my LFS tostock up on frozen food yesterday. While waiting to be served I wandered down the aisles and noticed a sign on one of the tanks "Discus breeding trio" Oh sure! Someone has a sense of humour! Looked inside and there is a marlboro gold female with tiny fry on her back :shock:

I know the owner fairly well, so just had to ask what was with the sign. He took me over to another tank, and there is a pair of discus tending eggs. Now this is where you're gonna need that drink. Seems he had the three fish in the first tank. The male courted both females and the first laid eggs and was tended by both male and female. Second female began cleaning a site in earnest just as the first lot of fry became free swimming. Male spread his time between both females. Second female began laying eggs attended by the male.. They pulled this pair out of the tank and dumped them in a vacant tank, where they continued to lay eggs immediately, not at all disturbed by the change of scenery.

And there they were when I saw them 2 hours later, carefully tending their batch of eggs. All this in a busy fish shop with indifferent water, no special food, and constant disturbance. :roll:

So now I'm off to finish that very good bottle of chardonnay :?

Wed Sep 22, 2004, 09:51 AM
Merrilyn, u want to see that happen? There are orgies going on in SLS discus tanks weekly... :lol:

Thank god u don't live down here.... U'd be alcoholic. :lol: :lol: :P

Wed Sep 22, 2004, 10:13 AM
So much for monogamy in discus and the idea of fixed breeding pairs :roll: LOL

Wed Sep 22, 2004, 01:42 PM
damn i wanna be re-incarnated as a discus. If i did that id my clothes and belongings on 2 lawns..

Wed Sep 22, 2004, 09:11 PM
Who does that fish think he is

the Hew Heffner of Discus?