View Full Version : Tip from Jack: Feeding sandwich to your discus

Thu Jan 25, 2007, 02:34 PM
I was reading this month of the TFH and Jack Wately said that you should feed your fish as follow:

1. A small amount of flake or pellets food,
2. High protien food such as BH or BW
3. Another small amount of flake or pellets food.

The idea is to feed them a sandwich so the high protien food will not pass through the fish quickly, giving them more time to extract nutrition from it.

I think I'm going to try it when feeding my discus high protien food. Does it make sense to you?

Thu Jan 25, 2007, 11:35 PM
interesting theory....

anyone else heard anythign like this?


the german
Fri Jan 26, 2007, 12:08 AM
i think when it pases to slow it could cause kostapation when the BH
mix is not 100% balanced

Fri Jan 26, 2007, 12:56 PM
why would we think thet food comes out in the same order that it goes in?

the digestive tract will digest and absorb whens as it see's fit
somethings like insoluble fibre will not digest in carnivores guts(i think that where discus fit closely)

mechanical food is broken into smaller parts
chemically it is degraded
mechanically it is constantly churned and particles of appropriate size move to next are

gut will have top to bottom movements and also back and forth within a smaller area movements

food gets churned mixed and digested and what comes out is what could not be utilised in a healthy digestive system