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View Full Version : is this tapeworm?

Mon Jan 22, 2007, 10:54 PM
just teated my tank with prazi as I thought I may have a small gill fluke problem.
after 24 hrs one of my discus is passing what I think is a worm.
your positive I.D. would be appreciated.
if this is tapeworm, what is the life cycle and when do I need to re treat to ensure the problem is fixed?
or does prazi kill eggs and all?




thanx all

Wed Jan 24, 2007, 10:06 AM

can you please move this to illness and medication section, as obviously no one here knows the answer :wink:

Wed Jan 24, 2007, 02:43 PM
cant see well enough in picture
segmentation on tapeworm shopuld be evident so that the worm does not look smooth

most tapeworm are white or yellow and range from 2mm to 20cm in length

most aquatic tapeworms have complex lifecycles requiring an intermediate host (usually a copepod)

most if not all species will be sensitive to praziquantel, although generally only in there adult form
therefore all intermediate hosts need to be elimanted
or repeat treatments are indicated


Wed Jan 24, 2007, 10:55 PM
thanx andrew,

yeah, the picture quality isn`t the best.
it did look white and slightly segmented with a definate larger end (head?)

so I shall redose after seven days.
or is there some other treatment regime to eliminate all eggs.

thanx for the help

Bill T
Thu Jan 25, 2007, 12:59 AM
Looks a bit like a worm that left one of mine following octozin treatment.
I had treated with prazi, but no great changes. Once I dosed with octozin, this huge ugly white worm came out. Another fish starting passing huge quantities of long white castings.
Extra water changes, lots of vacuuming and cleaning and a repeat dose some months later & there has been no reoccurance & the fish are looking v. healthy.