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Wed Jan 10, 2007, 02:58 AM
Hello Forum
I have a pair that keep laying eggs, and the male guards them with vigour, including unfortunately from the female whom he severely chases away. However, after the hatching, he eats them overnight !!
This time I have have taken him out, and would like to know...
1) Was this the best action, and will the female rear them OK.
2) Would you put the male back in when the fry (hopefully) are swimming ?

Many Thanks Mike

Wed Jan 10, 2007, 05:52 AM
You did the right thing by removing the male Mike. If he is the egg eater of the pair, then she will be capable of raising the fry by herself. Don't add him back to the tank. Fish have a very short memory, he will simply see the fry as a meal, not as his own fry.

When you say he eats the eggs after hatching, do you leave a light on overnight? It's unusual for a fish to guard eggs, then eat the wrigglers as soon as they hatch. Are there any other fish in the tank that may be responsible for the wrigglers vanishing?

Fri Jan 12, 2007, 10:49 AM
Thankyou Lady Red

The Female is an experienced yellow who I split from her mate because of the very high level of peppering in the young. The male is a recently matured blue diamond male who I love because of his shape - perhaps not ideal "Discus" shape being almost batfish !!

See photo of an earlier spawning that were 100% infertile, but later ones are much more productive as the male matures.

Hmmm yes I do keep the breeding lights on 24/7 - would you turn it off - no there are no other fish.

Sat Jan 13, 2007, 05:53 AM
I leave a night light on for my fish, from the time they lay eggs, till the fry are around 2 weeks free swimming. It helps the parents to keep track of their eggs and fry, so leave it on.

He's a nice looking fish, a high fin blue diamond. Keep trying with him. Egg eaters often outgrow the habit once they mature.

Sat Jan 13, 2007, 11:50 PM
Thanks LadyRed

BTW - the female is only black and mottly around the edges at breeding time not normally like that, and previous fry had damaged her fins feeding.

The opposite forced pairing (Blue Diamond Female and Yellow Melon Male) raised a dozen young a couple of months back, and im watching how the colours develop with keen interest. No unfortunately not green haha !!!

Sun Jan 14, 2007, 05:31 AM
The opposite forced pairing (Blue Diamond Female and Yellow Melon Male) raised a dozen young a couple of months back, and im watching how the colours develop with keen interest. No unfortunately not green haha !!!
what colour are they ?

Sun Jan 14, 2007, 05:33 AM
could you please put up some pictures of those fry ?

Tue Jan 16, 2007, 02:20 AM
Hi Samir
There is only a dozen, and perhaps half look interesting and some had poor gill plates - Ill try and gets some photos of the interesting ones.... As I said to LadyRed none are Green...LOL.

Thu Jan 18, 2007, 10:31 AM
Hi Samir

After much chasing around the baby fish tank with a camera, I have got you a couple of printable shots.....What do you think ??

the german
Thu Jan 18, 2007, 10:36 AM
intersting colours.
would like to see them in 6 month time.
how old are they now?

Thu Jan 18, 2007, 11:59 AM
thanks for the pic. were all the spawn the same colour ? pigeon blood ?