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Mon Jan 08, 2007, 03:32 AM
I wasn't sure where to put this (Admin, please feel free to move it).

I'm cycling my tank - it was set up on Christmas day. So far it has substrate, pool sand & driftwood, with heaters & 2 filters running. I've just seen algae, about an inch long, growing on the driftwood. It's very fine & almost colourless. I'm cycling the tank with pure ammonia - nothing else in yet.

Just wondering if there's anything I can use to kill this stuff off before the plants & fish go in, without disrupting the cycling process. I'm waiting to buy a CO2 system before putting the plants in.

Thanks in advance,

Mon Jan 08, 2007, 05:09 AM
Why are you cycling it for when you are going to put plants in?

The ammonia doesn't help,Lights are not on, are they?
It's not uncommon to get some sort of algea with a new tanks.

Take it out by hand.
It could be something thats on the wood already.

Mon Jan 08, 2007, 05:45 AM
Thanks duck,

No, made myself keep the lights off. It's going to have a full fish load as well as the plants, which is why I'm cycling it.

I didn't see anything on the wood before today - and i keep staring at it. I'll try pulling it off by hand, but thought if there was an algae killer or something I'd rather use it now before anything else goes in.

Mon Jan 08, 2007, 06:20 AM
How about adding some Siamese Algae Eaters?

Mine did a great job of eating the algae that appeared in my tank, and it has never returned.

They could help with cycling as well, though I'm not sure you can add them if you are already using ammonia to cycle your tank.

Maybe someone can answer that one...?


Mon Jan 08, 2007, 09:44 AM
If you add SAE now they will more an likely die.

Maybe someone else can help with a chem or something to get rid of it,I don't use any.

You could take the wood out and bleach it,That will kill anything.

Even though you are doing a ammonia cycle,Dont think you can add load of fish straight away,Especailly Discus.

Mon Jan 08, 2007, 11:13 AM
Thanks guys,

The wood is over 4 foot long, which is why I didn't boil it, so I'm not sure how I'd bleach it. I'm on a septic, so I can't do it in the bath. I might need to add the SAE after the tank's finished cycling.

Duck, what do you mean I can't add fish? Isn't that the point of cycling it? Please tell me before I make a big mistake!


Mon Jan 08, 2007, 11:30 AM
Duck, what do you mean I can't add fish? Isn't that the point of cycling it? Please tell me before I make a big mistake!
You can't do both, add ammonia and fish at the same time,It's one or the other,You put in ammonia or you put fish to produce ammonia nitrite then nitrate.
Once you have cycled then you can add fish but still only slowly.

Mon Jan 08, 2007, 11:32 AM
OK, thanks!