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View Full Version : Discus world in bad times

Sun Sep 19, 2004, 06:58 AM
I went to a local LFS on the way home from bunnings (DIY project of course)

i saw this funny looking fish i had never seen before, thin with blue streaks, long oval body with a sharp nose.

i then looked at the price and it said $84.95

OHHHHH MY GOD, these thing where twice as long as they where high

i am still in shock!

Sun Sep 19, 2004, 07:18 AM
Who says genetic modifications can’t be done to fish. I’m waiting for a cross between a discus and a terrier. :lol:

Sun Sep 19, 2004, 07:22 AM
these things where really deformed, i've seen some bad discus but these were not able to be distinguished as being discus


Sun Sep 19, 2004, 09:09 AM
It's just sad to see some lfs are trying everything in order to earn some cash.

Sun Sep 19, 2004, 10:25 AM
Ronald, at least they try..... :wink: Most LFS have to buy their fish from the major fish wholesalers.... and sometimes the quality of fish they get sent are shocking. What do they do it they get sent rubbish? :cry:

We had to live with that for a while until we could take it no more... invested in a quarantine room and got some good connections and friends to help us select some good fish. Not every LFS has the same luxury unfortunately....

Sun Sep 19, 2004, 10:28 AM
its such a hard topic because thier are so many factors that are out of the hand of the owner or can be misunderstood by the customer

sad to ever see such fish though :cry: