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View Full Version : New discus NOT eating for 9 days

Thu Jan 04, 2007, 11:17 PM
I purchased a 2.5 inch silver pigeon discus for my 55 gallon disucs tank. pH 6.8, temp 84 degrees. I have four other healthy discus in the tank......none of whom are bothering the newcomer even at feeding time......and yet I have not seen this fish eat a thing in the nine days since I introduced her to the tank.

I have tried frozen blood worms, frozen brine, Tetra-Min Color Bits, Betta-Min, Sera Discus Red and Blue Color pellet food. All of my discus gobble any of this food up.

I have yet to see the newcomer eat one bite of anything.

Her stomach is NOT withdrawn and I see NO feces at all - white or normal brown.

Being a silver pigeon, it is difficult to assess if she is dark, though she has partial stress bands. She ventures out at feeding time but does nothing.

The only thing I noticed is that BOTH gills are somewhat flared and she occassionally rubs against plant leaves, so five days ago I started treating the tank every other day with Formalin for possible gill flukes. This is a solution of formaldehyde - 3ml per 55 gallons, every other day.

It doesn't seem to have made any difference yet.

While the fish was not expensive, I have never seen one like her and would hate to loose her. She is basically powder blue with streaks of orange and orange and blue dorsal and ventral fins. A truly stunning fish.

The store had only one and I doubt I could find a replacement........besides I hate to see any disucs die.

Yet I fear this will happen if she doesn't do a 180 degree turn and start eating SOMETHING.

Any advice on diet and/or treatment would be greatly appreciated.

Enjoy the day............Mike

Fri Jan 05, 2007, 12:26 AM
have you tried any live foods.... sometimes you can encourage them to eat by adding some live brine shrimp or black worms .... just a suggestion.... also have you asked the LFS where you obtained the fish what they were feeding it?

Hope those suggestions help. Sometimes they (discus) can take a while to settle in and eat...

I myself recently added a discus and she didnt eat in front of me for 6 days, although I did see a poo.
Finally last night I observed her eat two flakes... not much but it made me feel alot better because it means that she probably is eating all the other things I put in there as well. :-) (I hope)

good luck.... your fish sounds beautiful.. a pic would be great!!!

blue diamond Pete
Fri Jan 05, 2007, 11:15 AM
While on the topic of live food I keep a container out the back for mosquitoes to breed in. Catch thr wrigglers, rinse them several times and any new fish not feeding well really go for them.
I don't think you can introduce nasties / disease but will stand corrected.

Sat Jan 06, 2007, 05:38 AM
when my new ones wouldn't eat for three days i gave them some frozen beef heart cut up into very small cubes they ate it all and after three days of this they started eating everything i give them