View Full Version : Hi all - 5x2x2 planted tank w/discus

Mon Jan 01, 2007, 03:03 AM
Hi all, just thought I would pop in ans say hi, I have been watching and reading and learning for a while now. I started my first planted tank some months ago now and after reading about discus found a whole new world out there. i just purchased my first discus, and hopefully will try a bit breeding as time progresses.
Here is my planted tank

In hidsight I think I probably have too many plants in there, but I will wait and see how it goes. The discus were added a few days ago, they have finally decided to come out and say hello!!
That's it for now.
ps. any comments suggestions welcome

scott bowler
Mon Jan 01, 2007, 03:20 AM
well wow you have done well the tank looks awesome and the fish well what can i say they are fine specimon . you have done very well withe planting there is not to many plants it looks good it a credit to you good luck with it all.oh and welcome to the forum hope we can help if you need it but looks like you have it so far down pat .. scott

scott bowler
Mon Jan 01, 2007, 03:21 AM
ps were are you from

Mon Jan 01, 2007, 04:10 AM
Brisbane (Redlands)

Tue Jan 16, 2007, 02:04 AM
Welcome to the forum KJ. That's a lovely looking tank you've got there, and some VERY nice looking discus. Well Done !

You don't have too many plants in there. I can see you have allowed plenty of room at the front of the tank for swimming, and the heavy backdrop of plants will help to make the discus feel more secure.

Wonderful growth in such a short time. Are you using CO2 on that tank? It all looks wonderful.

Wed Jan 24, 2007, 02:41 AM
Thanks for those comments Ladyred. Yes I am using CO2, I can't keep up with the plant growth, if my plants outside would go that fast I would have the best garden in SE Qld ;). Unfortunately I have a bit of hair algea creeping in, but I'm trying to keep on top of that. As for the fish the guy I bought them from, a reputable discus breeder, said they were sold to him as blue turks. However I have since been looking at other pics of blue turks and they appear to have a lot more blue than these, would you say they were blue turks?

Thanks again for the comments.

Wed Jan 24, 2007, 03:50 AM
Blue turks can have varying degrees of blue on them, so yes, they are turks. In fact the one in the front in the last pic looks like a throwback to a wild brown. Stunning fish :P

Thu Jan 25, 2007, 04:04 AM
Your tank looks great!! Can we have some specs? Like your type of lighting and duration, fert dosing etc?
