View Full Version : Suggestion To Xtreme... and other sponsors

Thu Dec 28, 2006, 04:23 AM
Hi Guys,

I was just thinking, for the benefit of the sponsors on this forum, maybe we could list what we are looking for in terms of our discus? Sort of like the RGD thread in the photo album, perhaps we could highlight desirable characteristics we are after in our fish for Xtreme and others.

This way, we would be able to get exactly what we want and Xtreme and others would also get a clearer idea of what we are after too. Kind of a win-win right ?


Thu Dec 28, 2006, 04:31 AM
That would certainly work.

In fairness it should be open to all sponsors, and from there the cards can be laid on the table...

Thu Dec 28, 2006, 04:47 AM

My apologies for posting in the wrong section there :oops:

Before any pictures are used here - we need to name the source of where they are from or not ?


Thu Dec 28, 2006, 11:08 AM
Yes G. It's just a courtesy to the photographer or owner of the fish.

If it is marked "copyright" then you will need written permission.

Thu Dec 28, 2006, 12:08 PM

No worries.

I guess a general statement first-up would be best.

So, in terms of the critical things:

1) Shape - Most people go for a high body type fish (i.e one that has a rounded body, but steeper sort of incline on the face). There must be no lumps or bumps on the head, and the head must not look to protrude too far forwards compared to the fins. The shape of the mouth is also important - if it points forwards, then it will draw attention to the head.

2) Colour - A nice clear eye is preferable, usually in red colour. There also needs to be a good contrast between colours if the fish has a pattern to it. So red turk and blue turks - must have very defined patterns. Added into this, is the fact that there must be no stress bar on the tail visible.

3) Pattern - Preferably a pattern covering the whole body in most cases. If a spotted variety, then spotting up to and including the gill plates is desirable. If a turk or PB - then a uniform pattern and distribution is better over the body.

But these are the three main things - shape, colour and pattern. Get that right and you have awesome discus.

Following this post I will post up some pics to highlight my opinion - so dont forget to contribute people :)


Thu Dec 28, 2006, 12:28 PM
Its probably best for people to come up with their own pics that they want evaluated....

So fire away...