View Full Version : green moss balls

Thu Dec 21, 2006, 01:41 AM
Does anyone have Green Moss Balls in their tank??

If so what can you tell me about these??

Will a pleco eat them??


Thu Dec 21, 2006, 01:52 AM
i have it tied to some drift wood.

don't think the pleco would eat it but lots of other fish will.

the stuff looks good, when grown well, but will increase the maintenance in your tank. My fish nibble on it and im am constantly pulling it off the filter intake, not to mention out of the canister filter.

still like it tho! good for spawning! (not that i have had any success yet)

Thu Dec 21, 2006, 01:58 AM
Great, I have a couple on hold that I am going to pick up tonight. Not easily available here but I sure like the look of them.

What fish will pick at them??

In my Discus tank I have a small school of neons, pleco and my Discus.


Thu Dec 21, 2006, 02:03 AM
i have an angel left over from my other tank and i think he is the culprit.

Another thing, when i bought mine the were tied in little balls. I got two and when i got them home and untied them i ended up having heaps as they were tightly packed.

ended up having to pull half of it out after a short while

good luck with it!

Thu Dec 21, 2006, 04:14 AM
Going to pass on these, the LFS said that they are not totally safe from Pleco's and people have complained about them eating them.


Thu Dec 21, 2006, 05:17 AM
no worries, although if it grows well you might find it grows quicker than you fish can attack it??

if its only the pleco your worried about it wil be a lot of food for one fish?