View Full Version : Water condition/quality--Discus lay eggs

Wed Sep 15, 2004, 11:53 AM
hi all,
i curious about if discus can lay eggs in poor water condition???

one of my discus is laying eggs right now the ph is around 6.0. i never check the Gh/Kh, nitrite/nirate of the water but i do regularly change 15% of water (4ft tank) every 2 days.

so does that mean my water condition is gd or discus can lay eggs in poor water condition??

any ideas??

Wed Sep 15, 2004, 12:13 PM
It has to be pretty good or they wont even try to lay eggs. How many fish in that 4 footer?

Wed Sep 15, 2004, 12:31 PM
i've 1 4.5" and 1 3.5" discus, 4 clown loaches, 5 mixed Flowerhorn fries from 2" to 3" growing super fast (of cuz they are separated). goin to need a new big fish tank pretty soon!!

also can FH keep in discus water ?? or discus in FH waters??

Wed Sep 15, 2004, 03:42 PM
Flowerhorns should adapt to just about any water. Although they will do well in a particular range, id say around 7.2-8.0 ph. They are hardier than discus.

Ive heard stories of people throwing these in the rivers in Asia and they are survivingg and thriving.

Still not a good mix even with a divider.