View Full Version : Hello Everyone

Thu Dec 14, 2006, 10:52 AM
Hi Peoples,

Long time no speak - just wanted to say hi to you all.

Sorry I haven't been online for a while - but I have been really busy with work.

I trust that you and your Discus are all well. my Discus are all going well but despite the usual water changes etc. they have all gone on strike - no spawns for about 6 weeks now - I think they have got the cranks cause mum is not at home as much as usual, but I am just letting nature take its' course and not stressing - they will when they are ready (at least I hope so).

MAC : The babies are doing well - doubled in size except for the Gold Diamond - he/she is a little bit slower, but is getting there. They all look really healthy though, and are eating like little piggies :lol: .

MERRILYN : how is that beautiful Grandchild going?

PROTEUS, SAMIR, SAMMIGOLD AND GOLDENPIGEON : Hope you guys are keeping well and behaving yourselves - remember Santa only comes to good boys and girls!!!

I have been really missing you all and our great chats and I am hoping that things will slow down over Xmas and the New Year so that I can catch up with you all.

Heaps and heaps of hugs and kisses to each and every one of you - even if I haven't mentioned your names I have been thinking of you all, and I hope that as the year moves to a close everything is going well for you and that that old white headed feller in the red suit doesn't forget you.

To all of you going on holidays - take care- drive carefully and I hope to catch up with you all soon,


Thu Dec 14, 2006, 12:00 PM
Marg!!!!!!! Glad to hear that you are ok. Had missed your presence.
Hope you have a fabulous and safe Christmas and New year.
and I hope things slow down for you a little so that you can enjoy your discus darlings.

Of course I am being good as I want Santa to visit me!!!!!!

Hope to see more of you on the forums again.
sammi :D

Thu Dec 14, 2006, 12:53 PM
Glad you are doing well Marg, and thanks for dropping by...

Santa who is he???

Thu Dec 14, 2006, 02:30 PM
Santa who is he???

You know who he is Pro! He's that fat guy, always wears a disguise, lures children with promises of presents, hangs out at shopping centres. Top bloke! 8-) :lol:

Have a cracker Christmas Marg!

Thu Dec 14, 2006, 02:45 PM
Good to hear from you Marg, hope to see you around more often :thumb

scott bowler
Sat Dec 16, 2006, 11:02 PM
hello marg how have you been ,good to see you back how are those gorgeous grand kids going.and how is it out west been getting any rain we need it .any way hope you have a great xmas and good new year and hope to see you around here more take care

Sun Dec 17, 2006, 01:22 AM
me being well behaved.... :roll: yeah :roll:
im well behaved on here anyway cause i represent the king of the aquarium.... :roll:

how have you been? i have been wondering where you were! the fish will spawn again. haha

good to have you back!