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View Full Version : Red Melon

Thu Dec 14, 2006, 09:23 AM
what you guys think of this fellow?

Wed Dec 20, 2006, 07:55 PM
it looks so cute. the peppering on the fins looks great.

Fri Dec 22, 2006, 06:10 AM
A solid red eye on that fish looks great.

That shape is also pretty much spot on.

There is incomplete colour at the tail of the fish, and a different shade of red around the forehead area on that fish. This is a shame because the colour on that fish is a nice shade of red, but it doesnt span the entire body.

There is also a fair degree of peppering, up to and including the face/nose. The peppering through the fins looks quite nice in this case though since it does add some character.

Definate keeper.


Fri Dec 22, 2006, 07:10 AM
hi G, a question here.. the different shade of red on the forehead would it get more red as the fish gets older? i have it for a few months now and when i first bought it the middle part of the body was not as red.

Fri Dec 22, 2006, 08:46 AM
Hi Ivo,

As far as I know that different shade of colour is related to pigmentation.

So since it has a genetic basis, I would assume that what is there now, is all there will be. It might darken as the fish ages, but I wouldnt bet on it.


Sat Jan 20, 2007, 10:20 PM
Nice fish,

I found that the lighterpigmentation should alter with mood swings etc etc , ( refer to my picture album melons ).

Colour feed that baby and try and get that red colouring closer to the face and more into the tail.