View Full Version : eggs how often is too often

Tue Dec 12, 2006, 06:26 AM
I have a pair of discus who after 4 months and gentle encouragement they managed to get fry(165) which i still have 65 of 4 months later and growing nicely, the problem i have is 4 tanks and too many babies they have spawned and raised/eaten 6 lots since then.

How can i stop them spawning without a divider or seperation ( tried that she paired with another male or laid more eggs every week).
I have tried less water changes and water warm changes, open the door so they get motion traffic as such (as to stress/disturb them ) , remove cone , change filter to create more water movement ...

Tue Dec 12, 2006, 10:23 PM
this is what happen to my pair of discus aswell, now every week they lay eggs but never fertilise,
i think the male discus does not pass through the egg... and the male discuss is acting weird... every time a fed them with beef heart the male pass through the beef heart then eat it...

Wed Dec 13, 2006, 04:55 AM
Mine are all fertilise and usually make it to fry stage before she lays agian and the cycle begins agian