View Full Version : Quarantine

Mon Sep 13, 2004, 10:41 AM
This is just a general question regarding quarantine.

Since I lost most of my fish and I will be re-stocking soon, what is the best procedures to follow?

Just observing or adding medication to the quarintine tank?

Mon Sep 13, 2004, 02:02 PM
Gee thats a difficult one to answer, because so many people will have differing opinions. Well I'll tell you what I do and then perhaps some others will tell you their experiences. If the fish has come from local fish shop they go into quarantine for 4 weeks no less. A bare bottom tank will tell me any problems with intestinal worms etc. They usually need worming and sometimes medication for gill flukes. But I observe first.
Fish that may have travelled from interstate are rested in dimly lit quarantine tank for at least a week before full lighting is turned on over the tank and observation begins. Once again quarantine time is 4 weeks.
This may sound like a chore but wipeouts aren't a whole lot of fun.

Tue Sep 14, 2004, 12:01 AM
At least 4 weeks. Also keep the Q tank away from your main tank and don't share buckets, nets, syphons etc. Obvious advice but I always seem to forget myself. Also try to keep the Q tank as far as possible from your other tank(s) if the discus have the plague it can jump from tank to tank very easily (so I've been told - I have no first hand experience of this).