View Full Version : new- is my setup sufficient to start discus keeping

Mon Dec 04, 2006, 11:17 PM
Hi all,

I have not kept Discus fish before, but sorely want to take up the challenge. I have a 75 gallon tank that I want to use to house some young Discus. My plan is to try and rise to the challenge of keeping them. I am currently in the process of buying a house too, so am keeping an eye out for a much bigger tank to move any discus I buy to as soon as I move.

My question is reaaly what are your opinions on buying a few Discus now and looking after them in a 75 gallon tank for about 3 months (the tank is well established).

I have an internal fluval plus 2 filter and an external canister filter- a fluval 205. I know there is MUCH more to discus keeping. But was wondering if, for starters this was a sufficient amount of filtration until I get a bigger tank and if there are any suggestions anyone.


Tue Dec 05, 2006, 02:27 PM
Your filters are too small for the tank. Fluval 205 is only good for up to 40 g of tank, the internal is good for up to 24 g, you are about 10 g short even for the best case. You don't want to be short when it comes to filter capacity or you will have water issues all the time. In general, you need a bit more (20 to 30% from the max) for the filters. You will need to have another filter. I would replace the plus 2 with a 305. Or, you can replace both plus 2 and 205 with a 405. That way you can be sure you have enough filter capacity. Also, it will give you tank room since the cannister do not use up the tank space like the plus 2.

You can have up to 7 adult discus in the tank.

Tue Dec 05, 2006, 03:42 PM
Apologies- I actually meant LITRES, not gallons. The tank is only 75 litres therefore do not think I should house any adult discus, but may be ok for holding a couple of young discus for a while. I was hoping that the filtration would be just about sufficient for 75 litres, and for any advice as to whether I can keep discus in that size tank for even a few months?