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Pages : 1 [2]

  1. shell dweller with discus??? (3 replies)
  2. Dennison Barbs (5 replies)
  3. Best Buddies (11 replies)
  4. Algae! Help! (13 replies)
  5. A few 'different' Discus tankmates (24 replies)
  6. BN babies update (6 replies)
  7. cardinals and water changes (5 replies)
  8. Siamese Algae Eaters (14 replies)
  9. Interesting ABN pic (9 replies)
  10. plecostamus catfish (3 replies)
  11. Tip for black ghost knifes (4 replies)
  12. Black ghost knives (8 replies)
  13. Feeding frenzy (5 replies)
  14. male bristlenoses together (3 replies)
  15. Black Beard and Brown Algae eaters (6 replies)
  16. Keeping FW yabbie and FW crab in discus water ?? (13 replies)
  17. bristlenoses and peppermint bristlenoses (10 replies)
  18. Choosing Tankmates (1 replies)
  19. Discus, Apistogramma and Corydoras available upon pre-order (22 replies)
  20. mollys (5 replies)
  21. Compatability (19 replies)
  22. My Discus Tank.... (3 replies)
  23. Patchy Bristlenose (1 replies)
  24. Tankmates problem? Or ?? (32 replies)
  25. First Post discus plans (4 replies)
  26. sting rays as tankmates (12 replies)
  27. Frozen mixture for B/N (18 replies)
  28. Butler's Grunter (2 replies)
  29. my newest additions (26 replies)
  30. Adding Angels and Gouramis (4 replies)
  31. Zebra angel (2 replies)
  32. BN and Black Algae - 45 min before n after (18 replies)
  33. Look at my Discus Friend (18 replies)
  34. Siamesse Fighters with Discus (9 replies)
  35. Tetras with discus (10 replies)
  36. Black Eggs - Loach Caviar ? No ! Thermometer lead ! Duh ! (12 replies)
  37. community tank (4 replies)
  38. Cat Fish (16 replies)
  39. Sailfin Gibicep (11 replies)
  40. Slime producing fish? (2 replies)
  41. Cardinal Sushi? (10 replies)
  42. snails ok? (2 replies)
  43. any other discus tankmates? (8 replies)
  44. Erect tube from male BN mouth (0 replies)
  45. Too many BN can be enough (6 replies)
  46. clown loaches (21 replies)
  47. Zamora catfish (2 replies)
  48. A few other interesting discus tankmates at SLS (5 replies)
  49. Too many fish? (11 replies)
  50. Which came first discus or the mates (6 replies)
  51. Fat Cardinal (12 replies)
  52. Checkerboard Cichlid (Dicrossus filamentosus) (1 replies)
  53. corys? (10 replies)
  54. Clown loaches developing black spots on fins (3 replies)
  55. Crossocheilus siamensis - siamese algae eater (7 replies)
  56. Severums (16 replies)
  57. Breeding Angels (3 replies)
  58. guppies / swords????? (8 replies)
  59. Clown loaches and Discus (11 replies)
  60. Should I or Shouldn't I get some algae eaters? (16 replies)
  61. Expecting Bristlenose (51 replies)