If you are going to use this section of the forum, you must understand the following, and abide by all guidelines otherwise your post will be edited and/or removed without notice.

Please preceed all posts with...

FS - For Sale

WTB - Wanted to Buy

EOI - Expressions of Interest

Free - Speaks for itself

Anything to do with the hobby can be traded here...


If you post in the Classifieds topic area please ensure you have your location active in your profile.

In regards to For Sale items, the fish or product must be your own, and/or in your possesion, or you are an authorised agent for the seller (which means you take care of every area of the transaction from start to end) can you use this topic area. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in the post being deleted immediatley.

***Please Note***

Use of this website to sell or promote the sale of livestock or goods is solely for the use of personal members and designated Sponsors.

Commercial listings by non-sponsor businesses or entities, or websites is not permitted unless authorised by an administrator.

Any listing with large quantities (20+) or multiple listings of the same or different items can also be considered as commercial in nature. (obviously if we know as a community the fish in question have been bred by the member in question, and are not being resold then exceptions will be made).

Topics in breach of this guideline may be edited and or deleted without warning or notice given.
