View Full Version : wtb: plants that will grow on terra cotta pots

Thu Dec 09, 2004, 03:58 AM
i am after a plant that will grow on and attach to some terra cotta pots i'm planning on putting into a tank i am setting up. i kind of want the same look as when plants grow onto and attach to driftwood.

not even sure if any plants like this exist....

would anubias grow on terra cotta pots????

thanks very much

Thu Dec 09, 2004, 04:56 AM
Hi Matt

They would , I saw anubias nana grow on a clay pot at lfs , they look pretty though. HTH


Thu Dec 09, 2004, 05:02 AM
Matt, u can BUY them attached to terracotta pots!

Other plants that can do that:
Java fern
bolbitus fern

forget the "rush'" on drifwood.... It's a marsh plant. Won't do well submerged.


Thu Dec 09, 2004, 09:16 AM
kev i have some planted driftwood that has sevreal types of anubias growinf on it. i'm going to tie some anubias to the clay pots with fishing line tomorrow and see how i go.

hey, just had a thought, could i use some clear silicon to glue the plant to the pot????

if so do i need a special type or silican?

thanks again for the help

Thu Dec 09, 2004, 09:30 AM
clear silicone works but the time it takes for the glue to set the anubis is pretty ratshit

don't forgat you can buy terracota pots for herbs with little pockets in the sides

fill the pot with gravel and plant any underwater plant into these

a planted/bare bottom tank

best of both worlds :wink:

Thu Dec 09, 2004, 02:15 PM
how long does it take the silicon to set???

Fri Dec 10, 2004, 08:10 AM
an hour minimum

meant to leave it 7 days when you are building a fish tank